Our current sermon series is Colossians: The Incomparable Christ. Join us too for adult Sunday School as we will be going through the book, Gentle and Lowly. Free copies available in the foyer.

Christmas Vacation Bible School


Lessons and Carols

Our Christmas Eve "Lessons and Carols" service is at 5 PM this year on Christmas Eve. We are excited to welcome our brothers and sisters from the Berean church, joining us for this service!

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Our annual caroling will be on Sunday, December 12th at 4 PM. 

Please bring a soup to church to share after we are done caroling. 

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Christmas VBS

Our Christmas Vacation Bible School will be on Saturday, December 11th for our Grace kids! Please let Carrie know if your child will attend, and thank you so much, Carrie, for all your love and care in putting together these VBS days.

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Biblical Theology Workshop taught by Nancy Guthrie

Hosted by Coram Deo Church in Omaha, NE.

From Nancy Guthrie:

No matter how much you already know or don’t know about the Bible, if you’re a woman who wants to know your Bible better, this workshop is for you! Over three sessions, we’ll review the key events of the Bible’s story and the major sections of the Bible. I’ll demonstrate telling the story of the Bible through the lens of one of its important themes. We’ll work together on tracing a few themes through the various sections of the Bible. Then we’ll look at the opening of each of the Gospels and discover how a growing understanding of major biblical themes adds to our understanding when we see those themes arise in specific passages of the Bible. The three sessions, held either on a Friday night and Saturday morning or an all-day Saturday schedule, will be energetic, interactive, and fun.

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Biblical Theology Workshop taught by Nancy Guthrie

Hosted by Coram Deo Church in Omaha, NE.

From Nancy Guthrie:

No matter how much you already know or don’t know about the Bible, if you’re a woman who wants to know your Bible better, this workshop is for you! Over three sessions, we’ll review the key events of the Bible’s story and the major sections of the Bible. I’ll demonstrate telling the story of the Bible through the lens of one of its important themes. We’ll work together on tracing a few themes through the various sections of the Bible. Then we’ll look at the opening of each of the Gospels and discover how a growing understanding of major biblical themes adds to our understanding when we see those themes arise in specific passages of the Bible. The three sessions, held either on a Friday night and Saturday morning or an all-day Saturday schedule, will be energetic, interactive, and fun.

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Family Night

Join us Wednesday for Family Night as we go through Revelation the next few weeks! Dinner is at 5:30 PM with study to follow at 6 PM.

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Diaper Shower / Open House

Tomorrow, November 2nd, is the Diaper Shower/Open House at Life Choices from 3-6 PM. Life Choices, the Fremont area Pregnancy Center, is in urgent need of diapers sizes 5 & 6. Feel free to drop diapers off in the church office if that is easier for you than heading to the shower!

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Chilli Cookoff

Our chili cookoff will be Saturday, October 30th at 5:30 PM! Bring your best chili to the Thomas's house and vote on your favorite! There will be a small prize for the winner of this friendly, though fierce, cook-off.

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Pastor Appreciation Day

October is Pastor Appreciation month and we look forward to celebrating the McClellan family on Sunday, October 24th immediately following the service. Please bring a main dish and a side dish to share! Carrie printed off a variety of ways we can be in prayer for Pastor Kyle in a calendar format. Copies of those are available on the table under the TV in the fellowship area.

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Halloween Hysteria

Halloween Hysteria is this Thursday, October 14th from 5-7 PM! We are still in need of quite a lot of candy - any and all donations are greatly appreciated!! If you are planning on coming to church to help pass out candy, that is wonderful, thank you! Carrie is providing soup, sandwiches, and bars for all helpers! Thank you, Carrie, for your thoughtfulness in doing this.

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Family Night

Join us for Family Night each Wednesday night from 5:30 - 7 PM! Dinner begins at 5:30, followed by a time of learning at 6 PM as Matt takes us through RC Sproul's "Dust to Glory" series.

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Family Night

Join us for Family Night each Wednesday night from 5:30 - 7 PM! Dinner begins at 5:30, followed by a time of learning at 6 PM as Matt takes us through RC Sproul's "Dust to Glory" series.

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Family Night

Join us for Family Night each Wednesday night from 5:30 - 7 PM! Dinner begins at 5:30, followed by a time of learning at 6 PM as Matt takes us through RC Sproul's "Dust to Glory" series.

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Fellowship Friday

Join us this Friday, August 6th for our final Fellowship Friday of the summer! We will meet at 6 PM at Les and Jenny Novak's house . Please bring a side or dessert to share!

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Vacation Bible School