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Biblical Theology Workshop taught by Nancy Guthrie

Hosted by Coram Deo Church in Omaha, NE.

From Nancy Guthrie:

No matter how much you already know or don’t know about the Bible, if you’re a woman who wants to know your Bible better, this workshop is for you! Over three sessions, we’ll review the key events of the Bible’s story and the major sections of the Bible. I’ll demonstrate telling the story of the Bible through the lens of one of its important themes. We’ll work together on tracing a few themes through the various sections of the Bible. Then we’ll look at the opening of each of the Gospels and discover how a growing understanding of major biblical themes adds to our understanding when we see those themes arise in specific passages of the Bible. The three sessions, held either on a Friday night and Saturday morning or an all-day Saturday schedule, will be energetic, interactive, and fun.

November 3

Family Night

December 4

Biblical Theology Workshop taught by Nancy Guthrie